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Over One Hundred and Fifty Million
Patient Connections Per Year

A full-spectrum turn-key suite of digital solutions for tomorrow's health care communications.

Our comprehensive turn-key suite of fully-automated, customizable communications tools reflects the next generation of health care – one that is easy to use, scalable, measurable and enhances the delivery of care. From scheduling to clinical administration, and from pharmacy to financial management, AudioCARE can design a solutions platform that is tailored to your needs.


Sometimes, a prescription represents relief and comfort. Sometimes, it can mean so much more.

Prescriptions, refills, dosage, instructions – it's a critical, yet layered, process. So we've made it easier.

And more simple.

Our telephone, text and web solutions provide automated services for prescription renewals, refills, notifications for pick-up, 24/7 patient access, usable reporting, and so much more. We give patients the freedom to manage their pharmacy needs with convenience and ease, and give much-needed time back to pharmacy operations to perform their highly specialized duties at the very highest levels of precision and care.

Our systems also allow you to provide patients with important information about their prescribed medication. This information is always accessible whenever there is a question.

Over 1000 Pharmacies using AudioCARE


Coordination of care begins with coordinating schedules. Missed appointments affects the quality of care for the patient and deprives other patients of access.

Communication is the key to successfully maximizing the effectiveness and efficiency of care.

AudioCARE's suite of fully-automated scheduling solutions reduce costs, improve productivity, and empower health care providers to deliver and rely on communications that have a direct impact on delivery of care. Leveraging all relevant channels – telephone, text messaging, email and web – AudioCARE provides tailored communications that can be customized to your system, size and unique challenges.

over 25 million patients reached per year


At the heart of health care is the doctor-patient relationship – empowered by trust, enabled through communication. But that communication must be consistent and on-going. AudioCARE recognizes that the doctor-patient dialogue doesn't end when the doctor leaves the examination room.

So we've designed a suite of fully-automated and customizable clinical tools to enable physicians to continue their dialogue with patients in an easy, secure, and reliable way. Health Care providers can utilize a secure application to leave messages for patients who can retrieve their messages at their convenience. This prevents the back and forth usually required to pass along clinical information.

Over 2000 outpatient sites and growing


Health care costs are a constant source of stress and challenges – both in dollars and in time management.

Our suite of financial management solutions give our clients the power to more efficiently manage billings, accounts and communications such as reminders and payment receipts. We also give patients the ability to manage not just their balances and payments, but – more importantly – their stress.

Communication is the key to successful
scheduling and maximizing efficiencies.

Other Communications

Today's care extends beyond the walls of your building. You need to provide your patients with health and wellness information as well as when it is time for preventive care such as flu shots. AudioCARE enables you to reach your patients with information when it means the most. Our communication tools also allows you to improve patient satisfaction through interactive surveys.

In addition, emergencies come up and you need to alert staff when additional help is needed. AudioCARE has designed a fully-automated program to inform designated audiences of recall emergencies or notifications.
